Lava Glo Gold

Artist: ArtAvant
Native Title (file download): Lava Glo Gold
Sound: No Sound - Video Only
Audio: No Audio
Duration (min:sec): 20:00



Glorious globules of color and light journey through a slow swirling expanse of molten matter. Time and space is slowed to a picturesque pace for a festive reflection of shape and form in an ever-evolving realm of Gleaming Gold spheres. Bold and bulbous, this morphing matrix makes a whimsical background for brightening any environment.


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In the role of Artist, ArtAvant serves as a collective of creative energies coming together to produce artistic productions across a wide range of Video Art Genres. The unbridled power and scope of imagination is the fuel behind the vision that frames the process. There is joy in conceiving and crafting Works that resonate in some way with the viewer. To do so in a way that moves someone, in mind and body, sparking a desire to experience the art well into the future, is fantastic.

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